6 Holiday Promises: Inspiration for Your Journey

The holiday season often brings a whirlwind of emotions and expectations, which can be particularly challenging for individuals in recovery and their loved ones. Reflecting on my own journey, I’ve learned that setting boundaries and prioritizing self-care can make all the difference. Here, I share three promises I’ve made to myself to navigate the holidays with a focus on well-being and recovery.

1. Embrace “Me Time”

The holidays are often filled with activities and obligations, but it’s crucial to carve out time for yourself. This December, I’ve promised to dedicate one entire day to self-care, free from work, chores, and social commitments. On this day, I will indulge in activities that bring me joy and relaxation. I might go to a movie, enjoy a snowy hike, spend hours reading by the fireplace, or simply relax at a coffee shop. The goal is to have a guilt-free, chore-free day that allows me to recharge and enjoy the moment.

2. Learn to Say “No”

The holiday season can be overwhelming with numerous family gatherings, work events, and social commitments. This year, I’ve decided to give myself permission to decline invitations that feel too overwhelming or hard to fit into my schedule. It’s not easy to say no, especially when you don’t want to disappoint others, but it’s essential to recognize your limits. Accepting that I can’t do it all and being okay with that is a crucial step in maintaining my mental health and sobriety during the festive season.

3. Set Financial Boundaries

Holiday spending can spiral out of control, leading to stress and anxiety. To avoid this, I’m setting a $25 limit on gifts for everyone on my list. This decision helps alleviate the pressure of holiday shopping and the financial burden that comes with it. By focusing on thoughtful, simple gifts, I aim to reduce stress and embrace the true spirit of giving without the financial strain.

4. Prioritize Health and Wellness

Amidst the holiday feasts and treats, it’s easy to neglect health and wellness. This year, I promise to prioritize my physical health by maintaining a balanced diet, staying hydrated, and incorporating regular exercise into my routine. Whether it’s a brisk walk, a yoga session, or even a dance around the living room, staying active helps manage stress and keeps my spirits high. I will also ensure that I get enough sleep, recognizing that rest is vital for my overall well-being.

5. Practice Gratitude Daily

The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on the things we are grateful for. Each day, I will take a moment to write down at least three things I am thankful for. This practice helps shift focus from stress and anxiety to appreciation and positivity. Gratitude has been shown to improve mental health, enhance relationships, and increase happiness. By making gratitude a daily habit, I aim to cultivate a more positive outlook and enjoy the season more fully.

6. Foster Meaningful Connections

While the holidays can be socially demanding, it’s important to foster connections that truly matter. I promise to focus on building and nurturing meaningful relationships rather than spreading myself too thin. This means having heartfelt conversations, spending quality time with loved ones, and being present in the moment. I will make an effort to reach out to friends and family members I haven’t connected with in a while, letting them know they are valued and appreciated. These genuine connections can provide emotional support and enrich my holiday experience.

Reflecting on the Journey

Nineteen years ago, I took my last drink during a holiday season that marked a pivotal point in my life. Over the years, I have learned that the holidays can evoke a range of emotions, from joy to anxiety. By making these promises to myself, I aim to navigate the season with mindfulness and intention.

Reflecting on the Journey

Nineteen years ago, I took my last drink during what was my worst holiday season—and in hindsight, my best, as it marked the beginning of my recovery journey. Over the years, I’ve learned that the holidays can stir up a mix of joy and dread. To manage these emotions, I took a break from holiday celebrations ten years ago, spending the season at a yoga retreat in Mexico. This drastic change taught me valuable lessons about setting boundaries and prioritizing my recovery.

Now, I incorporate those lessons into my holiday planning, staying open to doing things differently to focus on the season’s true gifts. These promises to myself are ways to protect my recovery and enjoy the holidays mindfully.

Encouraging Others

I challenge you to create your own list of promises to navigate the holiday season in a way that supports your well-being and recovery. Whether it’s setting aside time for yourself, learning to say no, or managing holiday spending, these small but significant changes can help you experience the true blessings of the season.

Remember, it’s okay to put your needs first and make adjustments that support your health and happiness. Embrace the journey and find joy in the moments that matter most.